donderdag 7 januari 2010

Receive happiness

Would you like to take this to another level? Would you like to raise the bar for this kind of thinking? Okay, then why not expect each new day to be the greatest day of your life so far? How about starting your day with that kind of thinking?

Of course, the naysayers will be the first to answer that kind of thinking with a negative response, like, "Yeah, sure; like that's really going to happen." Others might think that it is just too much to think that big. Meanwhile, there are lots and lots of people who are happy to just get by every day.

But here's a question for everyone. What if today turned out to be the greatest day of your life so far? Do you think anyone would object if that happened to them? Do you think anyone would regret it? Do you think anyone would wish that it never would have happened? Of course not!

We really do have a choice in what and how we think. We chose how to perceive each new day. We can start our day and hope that some how, some way, we can just get by and survive another day in this crazy world.

We can start each day hoping and praying that it will be a good day and that nothing bad will happen. Meanwhile, there are others who never think about the day until something lousy happens, and then they are so quick to say, "Oh boy, it's gonna be one of those days."

But what happens when you start the day expecting it to be the greatest day of your life so far? You are not just expecting to survive. You're not just hoping it will be a good day. And even if something lousy comes up, that doesn't have to be an indication to you that it is going to be a lousy day.

When you consciously start each day expecting it to be the greatest day of your life, you are looking for and expecting great things all day long. You are refusing to let the world control you, but instead, you are taking control of your own life. You have chosen to go through the day looking for opportunities.

Put your energy into what you want, not into what you don't want. That is key. Why put all your energy into focusing on what you don't want? Seems counterproductive, doesn't it?

You can find those opportunities in so many areas to have a great day. You might do something for someone that truly makes a difference in their life, and the joy you feel for doing that will be very fulfilling. Because of your attitude of expectation, you may find a better way to do your job that saves you time, and perhaps opens the door for a promotion.

The possibilities are really endless when you choose to live your life with that kind of attitude. Am I saying that by doing this each new day will be the greatest day of your life so far? No. Am I saying you will never have another bad day? No.

But what I am saying is that the more of a habit you get into in thinking like this, the more days you will have that will be filled with excitement. And you will begin to see and discover things you never would have before. Why? "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." The abundance of your life, good or bad, proceeds from your own heart. Where you put your consistent mental effort is what you will receive in your life.

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