donderdag 7 januari 2010

Australian Education

The education system in Australia is one of the industries that have a dearth of skilled experts. In fact, many higher education institutions have reached out to foreign skilled workers to fill the vacancies in many schools
throughout the country. The high demand has even been highlighted in the Expat Forum in succinctly describing the process as
this is where there is a specific opportunity for those with a teaching background and teaching experience to make a new life in Australia.

The Australian economy has been able to weather the storm of the worldwide recession mainly due to the conservative fiscal policies instituted by the Australian Federal Government. This has helped prop up the economy with little dislocation in the landscape. In fact, there has been an influx of immigrants to fill the in demand positions all throughout the economic
landscape in the vast Australian terrain. Even Australians who have immigrated elsewhere have began to return home seeing the burgeoning economy and stable political structure that Australia has exhibited in the past decades.

As previously discussed, higher education in Australia provides much of the fresh influx of skilled workers for the Australian economy. The peculiarity of the Australian system though is the diversity of the skills available to be learned in the educational system. An individual student has an option of either enrolling in the many world class universities in the country or in the technical schools called TAFEs that are spread all throughout the continent. These vocational technical schools inculcate necessitated skills and expertise for individuals that make up a greater portion of the Australian workforce. The opening up of these educational opportunities to both local and foreign students has allowed the economy to continue on its rapid growth as there are new and skilled workers ready and available to fill the demand for labor in the businesses and industries throughout Australia.

In order to keep abreast with the galloping economy, teaching in Australia is one of the most in demand and high paying jobs in Australia. Even at the point of application for a visa, teachers are given much priority and their applications are fast tracked. In order for an individual to be gainfully employed in a higher education institution in Australia, an individual must have the education, experience and expertise to handle teaching in Australia. The forecast, as reported on Expat Forum is Australia has become something of a magnet for teachers looking to move to a new land and so long as the demand for teachers remains high it is likely we will see the teaching profession remain on the skilled workers list for the foreseeable future.

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Train your brain

You need to take some time to rebuild your professional image from the inside out. There are a multitude of things you can do to enhance both your personal outlook and the professional presence you convey to potential employers.

One way to continue to maintain a positive and professional state of mind is to commit to dressing each day as you would for a day on the job—as you would on a good day, like when dressing to meet a client. This is slightly less formal than job interview attire (i.e., trousers, jacket, and blouse for women -- shirt and tie for men). Appear as if you are coming from or going to an office. When you're out and about during the day (especially during lunch hours) you may run into former co-workers or other associates who may be in a position to help you network
to find that next position. Dressing in sweats and t-shirts suggests you're on hiatus from your job search, or are not serious about re-entering the workforce. A successful person is busy, important, and mindful to always promote themselves—even on their personal time!

Further steps you can take to reinforce your professional image while in professional transition include being prepared to promote yourself at all times. Carry a business card that reads like a mini-resume with your key selling points/core competencies on one side. This networking business card should appear professionally done - even if created on your home computer. Make sure to use a heavy card stock, appropriate font and ink color, and check carefully to eliminate errors. This card is specifically for networking, and allows you and those with whom you network to represent you and your core competencies to your best advantage to potential employers. In addition to the networking business card, carry hard copies of your resume at all times. You never know when you'll be in position to present it to someone of influence. Promoting yourself as not only professionally attired, but prepared and serious about your transition to another, better position impresses potential employers and co-workers.

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Canadian Education

The Canadian landscape is both massive and diverse with a great array of resources at its disposal. The exploitation of the vast natural wealth under the auspices of the Canadian government has provided the local economy the necessary resources to increase productivity of not only local resources but also as a great come on for foreign investors. Despite the onslaught of the current financial crisis, the Canadian economy has remained strong and robust. The current economic performance is projected to remain high in the long run making the country one of the most viable business areas in the world today.

In order to maintain the continued growth of the economy, higher education in Canada has continued to provide the skilled workforce annually. There is even a marked increase in foreign students into the different programs through out the higher educational institutions in the country. This is one of the best ways to become a permanent resident in Canada. Often, a foreign student who obtains a degree from a Canadian school is often absorbed easily into the Canadian economy. This in turn opens an avenue for individuals to obtain permanent residence and even Canadian citizenship.

To keep the top notch level of higher education in Canada, the teaching profession must be kept pure and pristine. Currently, teaching in Canada is in a state of oversupply as there are many trained individuals able to provide the necessary guidance for the young minds in the schools and universities in the country. Thus, applying for a teaching position may set back your plans as it would take a while before a position opens up for anyone without the proper education, credentials and experience for the job. As indicated in the Expat Forum, if you are successful in your application to move to Canada then there is still the opportunity to attempt to break into the teaching profession when living in the country.

In fact, finding a job in the field of higher education in Canada is quite difficult, especially if your resume only spells out this kind of experience. There are many other positions available in the Canadian economy that can be had instead of just focusing in the field of education. You may need to take up these job openings instead of pinning your hopes entirely on being employed in a university or school.

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Get The Most Out Of Binaural Beats Brainwave Entrainment Meditation

Imagine what it would be like if you could block out all of the stress and anxiety before it even affected you? It is a concept that is almost inconceivable when you really think about it. How far back in your life would you need to go to reach a time that you did not have a care in the world? If you are like the majority of people, you would need to go back to when you were a the time you became a toddler, I can almost bet you that the world was already affecting you.

I had heard about brainwave entrainment several years ago, but wrote it off as a bunch of new age...sitting cross-legged on the floor while chanting some mumbo jumbo garbage. Sorry...but that was pretty close to what I thought that it was all about.

With everyone offering their two cents about stress relief, it will ultimately come down to what does the trick for you. To me...there is nothing like a free sample before you decide to buy something...why spend money unless you know that it will work for you?

I found a website that offered a free sample of binaural beats meditation mp3, and also two others...monaural beats and isochronic tones. I signed up and had them send me my free recordings...WOW...I loved them all, but especially the isochronic tones. I purchased four additional meditation mp3 brainwave entrainment and let me tell you...the outside world may be nasty, but my inner existence is calm and peaceful!

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Job search tips

So what are the most effective ways for conducting a job search? They are mentioned below. These percentages refer to the number of people out of every 100, who find a job using only that method.

1) Job leads from friends, colleagues and other contacts: 33%

2) Directly approaching an employer (hiring manager) that interests you in-person or over the phone: 47-60%

These methods are certainly more successful as compared to some of the tactics we listed inour article "Least successful ways to look for a job" (e.g. 5% for job boards). However, the real benefit comes from using an integrated approach, which is by far the most effective way to look for a job. The success rate improves dramatically to ~85% by using this approach:

Step 1: Career discovery

a) Preparing a comprehensive profile: Of your personality, interests, values, beliefs, skills, past experience and goals/constraints. Basically, a detailed representation of 'who you are'

b) Identifying ideal career/job possibilities: This involves matching 'who you are' with 'what you do'. At the end of the exercise you should have a list of actual jobs and companies where you would be an ideal fit

Step 2: Prepare a personal marketing plan

o Customised plan to market yourself to your ideal 'customer' i.e. potential employers

o This is based on the work done in step 1

o It enables you to effectively showcase and convince employers why you are right for the job

Step 3: Use proactive job search tactics, personal contactsand networking to reach people who have the power to hire you

o Target both the published and unpublished job markets

o Effectively reach the people who can hire you for positions you are considering

o Supplement with a few other methods such as head-hunters, job boards and so on. However, do not spend too much time on these.

The reasons why this approach is so successful is simple. One of the big challenges hiring managers constantly face, is to recruit the right person for the job and to ensure that they retain this person. By targeting jobs/companies for which you are the right fit, you make the hiring manager's job much easier. In your resume, interviews and other communication, using inputs from your personal marketing plan ensures that you can effectively show why you are the best person for the job. And finally, by using contacts/networking you access the unpublished job market (in addition to the traditional job market) which broadens the number of good jobs you can target.

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Find the best employees

Quick and effective employee selection, which ensures employees are a good fit for the job and your company. Most recruiting methods used in companies have very little correlation with actual performance on the job. This can result in costly hiring mistakes.

Managing employee performance and providing them with all they need to outperform

Development of top talent to identify high potentials and ensure they are placed in critical roles

Helping employees plan their career and chart their career path in your company, based on comprehensive profiling - including personality, interests, values, skills, experience and constraints

Engaging employees by monitoring their commitment and level of satisfaction and taking steps to keep them at high levels. It also involves creating a company culture that employees want.

Companies might know that these are important factors. However, in practice they are not given enough attention, or are completely ignored. People spend too much time on day-to-day activities and once in a while do some superficial activity, which is supposed to address these factors. If your company is to outperform, these factors are a must and they can be implemented in a systematic, practical and measurable way.

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Psychometric Assessments

You might come across such assessments either on the internet, or through a career counsellor. They are useful but only if conducted properly. Many a times, people use them standalone and instead of qualitative self reflection/introspection, which is not recommended. Self reflection must form the foundation of your career decision making and development. Nothing can beat the insights generated from such an exercise and it can also be very rewarding in many ways. Assessments should be used to complement self reflection i.e. to further refine results, provide more ideas or eliminate choices.

It is also important to remember that you should not take the results from an assessment as the last word on yourself. Every person is unique and the results provided by an assessment might not capture every aspect of you. Assessments need to be interpreted properly and in the right context, which is why most advanced/good assessments will need to be taken through a career guidance practitioner. We certainly recommend that over most free/online/self administered assessments. If you do take a free/online assessment be very careful in selecting good quality ones and consider having one session with a practitioner just to make sure you are interpreting it correctly.

A distinction can be made between assessments that help individuals assess the content of career choices, or 'what to choose', and those that assess the process of choice, or 'how to choose' (which assess the skills needed for effective career decision making). In this article, we will focus on 'what to choose' since you will probably see more of these.

Perhaps the most commonly used instruments are occupational interest inventories. Interest inventories help individuals identify occupational fields that they are likely to find rewarding. Typically, an individuals' responses to the items in the inventory are compared to those of people working in a range of occupations, to see how similar their interests are to those of people working in those occupations. One of the best known interest inventories is the Strong Interest Inventory. Note: If you decide to take such assessments without the guidance of a career advisor, the Self Directed Search and Career Key are some of the better ones and are also good value for your money.

Measures of work values, or basic beliefs about what is important to the individual in the work context, are also seen frequently. One example is the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire. This instrument requires the individual to rate the importance of 20 work-related values or needs. Examples of some of the values are ability utilization, achievement, activity, advancement, authority, compensation, creativity and recognition.

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brainwave entrainment

However, brainwave entrainment has been evolving quickly with many studies that were performed to associate brainwave frequencies with certain behaviors or mental states. Astonishing results have linked supernatural abilities to different frequencies...I kid you not! In fact, you will be amazed at all of the things in your life that you can change for the better just by listening to binaural recordings daily.

Hey...I am a huge skeptic when it comes to anything...especially when someone tells me that I can program my mind. So...I immediately wanted to find out...are we talking about 'mind control' the scary old movies that I watched on Saturday afternoons when I was a boy?

No, nothing quite that dramatic, but...

Here is a quick, little lesson about the four most common brain wave classifications...

~ Beta waves (13 to 40 Hz)...normal day to day alertness
~ Alpha waves (7 to 13 Hz)...relaxed, but still awake
~ Theta waves (4 to 7 Hz)...deep meditation, hypnosis, or dreams
~ Delta waves (< 4 Hz )...deep, but dreamless sleep

Each frequency affects a different part of the subconscious, as well as the conscious mind and has many potential variations. It has been proven that by using various combination's of frequencies, a wide array of effects can be produced.

You see, even though 4.4 Hz and 6.1 Hz are both within the theta brain wave frequency, they will both display extremely contrasting characteristics, in fact each and every recording is designed specifically to stimulate certain human abilities. One will help enhance your memory, while another may help you overcome those sleepless nights.

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Get your dream job

Obtain a list of companies attending the fair and do some research on the ones you are interested in. Cover basic things like - products offered, geographic coverage, key clients, recent/expected performance, management team, company culture/vision/mission and so on. By doing this you can ask intelligent/meaningful questions to company representatives, about matters which are not publicly available

Carry supporting material

Make sure you have enough copies of your resume, reference letters, samples of your work and any assessments you have taken

Dress appropriately

Know the attire of the profession you are interested in an dress accordingly. In general, aim for conservative business attire

Have your speech ready

Prepare and practice your one minute sales pitch, which highlights your main strengths and why you can be a valuable asset to the company


Make sure you send a thank you note to employers you met with, within one day of the fair. Mention how you enjoyed meeting them, re-state your main qualifications/experience and why you would like to work for the company and finally, express your keen interest for a second interview.

Some other tips

You want to make the most of your time spent at the fair. Some simple things can go a long way in this regard

Decide on the order of interviewing. Some experts suggest meeting with your top choices first thing in the morning, interviewing with your other choices in the middle of the day, and returning to your top choices at the end of the day to thank them again for their time. Remember to stay a bit flexible though, as your top choices may be the top choices of many, creating long lines that you may wish to avoid

Don't interview or spend time with companies you are not interested in

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Receive happiness

Would you like to take this to another level? Would you like to raise the bar for this kind of thinking? Okay, then why not expect each new day to be the greatest day of your life so far? How about starting your day with that kind of thinking?

Of course, the naysayers will be the first to answer that kind of thinking with a negative response, like, "Yeah, sure; like that's really going to happen." Others might think that it is just too much to think that big. Meanwhile, there are lots and lots of people who are happy to just get by every day.

But here's a question for everyone. What if today turned out to be the greatest day of your life so far? Do you think anyone would object if that happened to them? Do you think anyone would regret it? Do you think anyone would wish that it never would have happened? Of course not!

We really do have a choice in what and how we think. We chose how to perceive each new day. We can start our day and hope that some how, some way, we can just get by and survive another day in this crazy world.

We can start each day hoping and praying that it will be a good day and that nothing bad will happen. Meanwhile, there are others who never think about the day until something lousy happens, and then they are so quick to say, "Oh boy, it's gonna be one of those days."

But what happens when you start the day expecting it to be the greatest day of your life so far? You are not just expecting to survive. You're not just hoping it will be a good day. And even if something lousy comes up, that doesn't have to be an indication to you that it is going to be a lousy day.

When you consciously start each day expecting it to be the greatest day of your life, you are looking for and expecting great things all day long. You are refusing to let the world control you, but instead, you are taking control of your own life. You have chosen to go through the day looking for opportunities.

Put your energy into what you want, not into what you don't want. That is key. Why put all your energy into focusing on what you don't want? Seems counterproductive, doesn't it?

You can find those opportunities in so many areas to have a great day. You might do something for someone that truly makes a difference in their life, and the joy you feel for doing that will be very fulfilling. Because of your attitude of expectation, you may find a better way to do your job that saves you time, and perhaps opens the door for a promotion.

The possibilities are really endless when you choose to live your life with that kind of attitude. Am I saying that by doing this each new day will be the greatest day of your life so far? No. Am I saying you will never have another bad day? No.

But what I am saying is that the more of a habit you get into in thinking like this, the more days you will have that will be filled with excitement. And you will begin to see and discover things you never would have before. Why? "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." The abundance of your life, good or bad, proceeds from your own heart. Where you put your consistent mental effort is what you will receive in your life.

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Everyday a brand new day

2010 begins on a Friday because that's the way the calendar worked out this time. In other years, the New Year began on a Wednesday, or a Monday. In fact, at one time or another, every day of the week has taken its turn in ushering in a New Year. But in reality, putting the calendar aside, it is simply a new day.

January 1st marks the beginning of a New Year. It is a good time to look ahead and expect better things. Many will make New Year's resolutions in anticipation and expectations of positive changes for the New Year. Of course, statistics show that many of those resolutions fall by the way side before the end of February.

I am one who is certainly looking forward to a new and better year. 2009 had its share of challenges for me; how about for you? I am anticipating great things ahead in 2010. I hope you are too.

But, do we even need to wait until the end of a year to get excited and full of anticipation for a new and better year? Again, there's nothing wrong with expecting a better year ahead. There's nothing wrong with making resolutions and affirmations for 2010. But in reality, calendar aside, January 1st is simply another day.

Now before you get mad at me and think that I am trying to steal all the fun and excitement for the New Year ahead, why not consider something. Why can't we start each new day with the same excitement and anticipation of a New Year? Why can't we start each new day expecting great things?

Thinking like that makes every day like New Year's Day, doesn't it? When you think about it, each new day is a brand new day. When you wake up in the morning, yesterday is gone. You cannot go back there. There is nothing you can change about yesterday. Tomorrow is not here yet, so you are left with today. And today is a brand new day.

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For thousands of years mankind has benefited immensely from them. The association of the words, "RUDRA' and "AKSHA', forms Rudraksh. Rudra means Lord Shiva and Aksha means 'tear'. It is said that the plant of Rudraksh is originated from the teardrops of Lord Shiva. As per the Vedic scriptures Rudraksh can nullify the effects of malefic planets to a great extent. Rudraksh of any mukhis never do any harm to the wearer. The seed of Rudraksh has been given a very special place and it is credited with mystical and divine properties. The botanical name of the Rudraksh plant is 'ELAEOCARPUS GRANITRUS'. This is found in the various parts of the world. It is said that the seed of Rudraksh contains the secrets of entire evolution of the cosmos within it.

Rudraksh has been given a very special place and it is credited with mystical and divine properties. The Rudraksh are worn for their specific benefits. If energized and empowered the right way, the benefits are much more powerful and can help achieve wonders. Rudraksh of different mukhis pleases the corresponding planets. It may be sufficient to go in for only for those mukhis whose ruling planets, cause malefic effects. Rudraksh come in different mukhis. According to Shastras there are 1 to 38 mukhis Rudraksh, but normally 1 to 14 mukhis are used for astrological benefits. Each bead has a different effect on you, depending on the number of mukhis it has.

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Train that emotions

Exercise addiction is no exception. Exercise requires time and energy and when it becomes excessive, not only does the addict get hurt a lot, but the time and energy needed to sustain important relationships also goes to exercise. But exercise is good, right! YES unless it takes control over your life. Even professional athletes and fitness trainers know when to stop.

How do you know if you are over exercising? Well, probably the best indicator is if close family members or friends are REALLY complaining about how much time you are spending at it. Things like, "is it really so important that you spend 4 hours per day at the gym?" will be said. If you really don't feel like exercising because you are so tired yet you feel compelled to work out anyway, could be a sign especially if you do this often. If you insist on exercising when you are sick or injured and have been told by your doctor to rest, this too could be a sign of addiction.

If you are over exercising or engaging in any behavior that is causing relationship problems, work problems or serious stress, try looking inward to understand what your feelings really are telling you. Emotional fitness is just as important as physical and mental fitness for keeping us free from illness and injury. Your body depends on it!

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Emotional fitness

What is emotional fitness? Well, it's really about our ability to recognize what each of our emotions are telling us, as well as being comfortable with all of our emotions and those of others. Dr. Anderson's premise is that emotional fitness is an important factor in weight control because so many of us eat, not only when we are hungry, but also when we do not recognize our emotions for what they are. The following "checklist" is excerpted from "Fat and Emotional Fitness":

An Emotionally Fit Person... 1. Knows how she/he feels at any given moment and can give that feeling a name. Such as angry, sad, happy, frustrated, joyful, excited, afraid and hurt. 2. Can and does communicate those feelings to at least one other person daily. 3. Can "be with" her/his intense feelings without having to act them out. To act out means to allow the feeling to dictate emotion driven action such as overeating or any addictive behavior, striking out at others or becoming self-destructive. 4. Understands that emotions, including intense emotions, are a normal part of life. 5. Does not make any emotion a forbidden emotion, even sexual feelings, sadness, fear and anger. 6. Can hear, accept and "be with" the emotions of others, even if they are sometimes intense, without judging them. 7. Understands that emotions, properly experienced, accepted and managed, contribute to one's quality of life. 8. Understands that chronic, extremely intense emotions are related to past wounds and traumas and need attention and deeper exploration, possibly with a professional. The very emotionally fit person will get the help she/he needs.

From Dr. Anderson's list, I can see that not being "in tune" with one's emotions would cause all kinds of unsavory behaviors and overeating can be very self destructive. What about taking this idea to other addictive or self destructive behaviors in particular exercise addiction?

Like overeating, over exercising is a socially accepted addiction. In other words, on the surface it appears to be a good thing. Also, it seems like only the person engaged in the behavior is affected by it. However, if you have ever been involved with someone with an addiction or self destructive behavior of any kind, you know that friends, family members and work colleagues are all affected in one way or the other.

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Crystals for positive energy

Crystals can help with relaxation, self growth, stress reduction, increased self confidence, heightened awareness & self-awareness, increased "Spirituality" & restore balance to mind, body & spirit. Crystals also assist the body in shattering & throwing off that which is causing infection or disease. Crystals have long been recognised for their unique healing properties. The energies from crystals react from our aura of energy, energy in the area (office, home and vehicle) & make the balance of energies. The crystals are alive-entities pulsating, radiating & vibrating at different rates. They create strong energy fields which enable us to be charged with their energies; they activate our abilities, soothe
& comfort, heal & balance through the purity & directness of their beams.

Astrology and all Indian vedic shashtras like palmistry, numerology, signology, Yantra, Mantra, Tantra, Vastu, occult science is useful to Mankind to derive their life better and new research work is taking place in this field continuously to make this all tools better effective for human beings.

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Your birth sign

Your birth-sign is the sign in which the Sun was placed on your birthday. Astrologers call it your Sun Sign. This marks your deep character, the stamp of your most fundamental energies and potential for spiritual growth. However, there are other very important signs, including your Ascendant or rising sign, Moon sign, Ruling Planet, and the signs of the other planets and sensitive points in the chart, such as the Part of Fortune and the Moon's nodes.

To find your birth-sign, familiarize yourself with the symbols, or glyphs of the planets and signs. Next, find the symbol, or glyph, on the chart which represents the Sun. It is a circle with a dot in its centre. The number in bold type alongside the Sun glyph is the degree of the sign in which it is located. The glyph next to the bold number is the birth sign, the sign of the Sun, and the light of the individuality. The number in plain type next to the sign glyph is the minute of the degree of the Sun sign. So the Sun may be located, say, at 12 degrees 50 minutes of Aries, or whatever, making that your birth sign.

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